
A list of all coral companies currently in our database

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Aqua SD US CA $30 2867
Austin Aqua Farms US TX $35 Over $299 132
Battle Corals US WI $45 Over $250 193
Candy Corals CA ON Over $350 773
Cherry Corals US MI $60 286
Chummingham's Reef US IL $45 111
Concrete Blonde Aquatics CA MB Over $400 74
Coral and Fish Store NL 360
Coral Euphoria US CA $60 Over $350 80
Coral Vault US TX 17
Corals Kingdom US CT $50 Over $300 135 US OH $35 Over $150 1096
CoralsAnonymous US CA $40 Over $300 251
Cornbred Corals US FL 512
Cultivated Reef US ME $30 Over $199 281
Dream Corals NL 655
Epic Aquaculture US AZ $40 Over $300 84
Extreme Corals US TX $30 Over $150 28
Frag Garage CA BC $60 Over $500 203
Fragbox Corals CA ON $45 367
Lucky Corals US CA $50 Over $299 180
Not A Feesh US PA Over $300 50
Ocean Store NL 473
Pieces of the Ocean US NY $50 Over $250 136
Prestige Reef UK 128
Queen City Corals US NC $35 Over $299 1021
Recif at Home FR 1172
RVA Corals US VA $40 Over $350 86
Salty Bottom Reef Company US FL 180
Sunny Side Corals US UT Over $300 443
The Coral Centre UK 194
Tidal Gardens US OH $30 Over $250 369
Top Shelf Aquatics US FL $35 Over $399 1444
TRSC Aquatics US NC $30 Over $250 196
Unique Corals US CA $30 Over $399 334
White Corals DE 883
World Wide Coral US FL $40 384 US NC Over $250 96
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