Blue Velvet Damsel

Neoglyphidodon oxyodon

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Suggested Tank

30+ gallons

Max Size

6 inches






The Blue Velvet Damsel is a popular saltwater aquarium fish known for its vibrant royal blue color. It has a streamlined body with a slightly forked tail and is characterized by its hardy nature and active behavior.

Reef Safe?

Yes, they are generally safe for reef aquariums but can be territorial towards other small fish and invertebrates.


They require a tank with plenty of hiding spots and swimming space. The tank should also have stable water conditions with a moderate to high water flow.


Blue Velvet Damsels are active swimmers and are often seen darting around the aquarium. They can be territorial, especially towards other damsels and smaller fish. They are also known to be quite hardy and can tolerate a range of conditions in the aquarium.

Owner Reviews

Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: PE Mysis, pellets

Great dither fish for those looking to establish some confidence in otherwise shy fish. Always out and visible. Semi-aggressive towards its own species but hasn’t bothered anything else in the tank.

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Difficulty: Easy
Min Tank Size: 50 Gallons
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