Borbonius Anthias

Odontanthias borbonius

Suggested Tank

125+ gallons

Max Size

8 inches






The Borbonius Anthias is a rare and colorful saltwater fish known for its striking appearance. It has a vibrant orange body with a series of black spots and a large black blotch on its side. Its fins are highlighted with bright yellow and the males have an elongated third ray on the dorsal fin. This species is native to the waters around Japan and Taiwan.

Reef Safe?



Borbonius Anthias prefer a well-lit tank with plenty of hiding spaces. They thrive in environments that mimic their natural reef habitat, with plenty of live rock for grazing and hiding. They prefer strong water movement and require excellent water quality.


Borbonius Anthias are generally peaceful but can be territorial with their own kind. They are best kept individually or in groups of one male with several females. They are not aggressive towards other species and can coexist peacefully in a community tank.

Owner Reviews

Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: Pellet

One of character you need in your tank, very peaceful and just swim in his spot, not active swimmer, reef safe and not even have any curiosity on corals. The colouration are not bright as other fish, as they were from deep water. But still, having him will give your tank another calm character

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Peaceful
Difficulty: Easy
Min Tank Size: 26 Gallons
Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: Frozen Mysis

Probably one of the easiest anthias I’ve ever put in a tank. I own two and they both took to the tank with no problems, ate immediately and weren’t shy at all. For the most part they are very peaceful with other tank mates (aside from the clowns who instigate the fights) they do chase each other but are never overly aggressive towards each other.

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Difficulty: Easy
Min Tank Size: 90 Gallons
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