Gem Tang

Zebrasoma gemmatum

Suggested Tank

100+ gallons

Max Size

10 inches






The Gem Tang is a highly prized and sought-after saltwater fish due to its beautiful black body and white spots. The spots become more intricate and dense as the fish matures. It's a hardy species, but can be challenging to keep due to its high price and specific dietary needs.

Reef Safe?

Yes, the Gem Tang is considered safe for reef aquariums and will not harm corals or invertebrates.


The Gem Tang prefers a well-lit aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. It thrives in a tank with a strong current and high-quality filtration to mimic its natural ocean habitat.


This fish is generally peaceful but can be territorial with other tangs and surgeonfish. It's a highly active swimmer and requires plenty of open space.


Owner Reviews

Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: Nori

My specimen only eats nori sheets. It was shy at first, only hiding behind rockwork. Over time it started coming out and is now frequently seen slowly swimming across the front of my tank. An absolutely beautiful fish

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Moderate Visibility
Temperament: Peaceful
Difficulty: Medium
Min Tank Size: 100 Gallons

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Gem Tang

Zebrasoma gemmatum

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