Scopas Tang

Zebrasoma scopas

Suggested Tank

100+ gallons

Max Size

12 inches






The Scopas Tang, also known as the Brown Scopas Tang or the Two-tone Tang, is a saltwater fish that is well known for its unique coloration. It has a body that is half black and half white, with the black color usually covering the back half of the fish. This fish is popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to its striking appearance and active behavior.

Reef Safe?

Yes, Scopas Tangs are considered reef safe. However, they may nip at large-polyped stony corals and soft coral polyps.


Scopas Tangs thrive in a well-lit tank with plenty of live rock for grazing. They require good water quality and strong water movement. The tank should be equipped with a tight-fitting lid to prevent them from jumping out.


Scopas Tangs are generally peaceful and active swimmers. They are known to be territorial with other tangs, especially those of the same species. They are best kept in a tank with plenty of hiding places and open swimming space.

Owner Reviews




3 months ago
Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: Mysis shrimp. Nori.

I currently have a juvenile by its self in a frag tank. It completely got rid of all the hair algae.

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Moderate Visibility
Temperament: Peaceful
Difficulty: Easy
Min Tank Size: 60 Gallons
Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: Nori, pellets, mysis etc

Very beautiful fish. Loves to pick for algae. Will turn fully black if they feel threatened. Some times will fight other fish (tangs) mostly. Really active.

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Aggressive
Difficulty: Medium
Min Tank Size: 80 Gallons
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