Spotted Mandarin

Synchiropus picturatus

Suggested Tank

30+ gallons

Max Size

4 inches






The Spotted Mandarin, also known as the Spotted Mandarinfish, Psychedelic Mandarinfish, or Picture Dragonet, is a small, brightly colored member of the dragonet family. It is known for its vibrant coloration and intricate patterns, which make it a favorite among aquarists.

Reef Safe?

Yes, Spotted Mandarins are considered reef safe. However, they may deplete the population of small crustaceans in a reef tank.


Spotted Mandarins need a well-established tank with plenty of live rock to forage on. They also require a sandy substrate, as they like to burrow.


Spotted Mandarins are generally peaceful fish that spend their time foraging for food in the substrate. They are slow and deliberate swimmers and tend to stay close to the bottom of the tank.

Owner Reviews

Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: Copopods

Is a very fun fish to have with their pattern but on the more difficult side due to their diet.

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Moderate Visibility
Temperament: Peaceful
Difficulty: Medium
Min Tank Size: 25 Gallons



5 months ago
Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: Pods, Frozen Food

By far my most favorite fish after the blue/green mandarin. The way they move around is awesome to sit and watch, so many cool patterns and colors!

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Peaceful
Difficulty: Easy
Min Tank Size: 40 Gallons
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