Bimaculatus Anthias

Pseudanthias bimaculatus

Suggested Tank

70+ gallons

Max Size

5 inches






The Bimaculatus Anthias is a vibrant and colorful saltwater fish, often found in the tropical reefs of the Indo-Pacific region. It has a unique, elongated body shape and is characterized by its bright orange and pink coloration, with a distinctive spot on the dorsal fin and another near the tail.

Reef Safe?

Yes, the Bimaculatus Anthias is considered reef safe and can be a beautiful addition to a reef aquarium.


The Bimaculatus Anthias prefers a well-lit tank with plenty of hiding places. It needs a lot of swimming space due to its active nature. The tank should also have plenty of live rock for grazing.


This species is known for its social behavior. They are typically peaceful with other species, but can be semi-aggressive with their own kind, particularly males. They are best kept in a single male to multiple female ratio to limit aggression.


Owner Reviews

Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: PE Mysis

I have one in my 60 gal and she’s a beauty. Was one of my dream fish for sure!!

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Difficulty: Easy
Min Tank Size: 60 Gallons

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Bimaculatus Anthias

Pseudanthias bimaculatus

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