Cleaner Wrasse

Labroides dimidiatus

Suggested Tank

55+ gallons

Max Size

4 inches






The Cleaner Wrasse is a fascinating saltwater fish known for its symbiotic relationship with other marine creatures. It earns its name from its behavior of cleaning parasites off the bodies, fins, and mouths of other fish. They are slender in shape and are typically blue with a black stripe running lengthwise down their body.

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Cleaner Wrasses need a well-established marine aquarium with plenty of hiding places. They prefer a tank with plenty of live rock that provides them with ample hiding spots and a large swimming area.


Cleaner Wrasses are peaceful and sociable creatures. They have a unique behavior of cleaning other fish by removing and eating parasites from their bodies. This not only provides them with food but also makes them a beneficial addition to the marine ecosystem.

Owner Reviews

Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: Frozen Mysis

One of the first fish I owned and I still have. Extremely social with both other fish and myself (it likes follows me around the tank when working on it). I would say to make sure it has other larger fish that it can interact with as it’s a cleaner wrasse and it likes to go and offer its services to the other fish, smaller fish tend to get scared when approached by the wrasse from my experience. Aside from that they are also jumpers so make sure to have a good lid, mines jumped out when I take the lid off for feeding a few times so be careful.

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Peaceful
Difficulty: Medium
Min Tank Size: 50 Gallons
Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: 👍 Yes
What You Feed: Frozen Brine Shrimp, PE Mysis

I have had 2 of these. The first one I had bought from a somewhat shady LFS that had told my girlfriend and I, the fish had been sucked in through the intake and spat into another tank. After bringing him home he was clearly Injured. After a long painstaking process I got the fish replaced and it has been one of my favorite to watch. He sleeps most nights inside of a small hole in the rock and comes out to feed first thing in the morning. Hard to see sometimes as wrasse have an early bed time.

Reef Safe: Yes
Visibility: Moderate Visibility
Temperament: Peaceful
Difficulty: Medium
Min Tank Size: 55 Gallons
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