Coral Beauty Angelfish

Centropyge bispinosa

Suggested Tank

70+ gallons

Max Size

4 inches






The Coral Beauty Angelfish is a saltwater fish that is popular among aquarists due to its vibrant colors and relatively small size. It has a deep blue body and yellow to orange highlights, giving it a striking appearance.

Reef Safe?

With caution. Though they may nip at stony and soft corals and clam mantles, many aquarists have been successful in keeping them in reef aquariums.


They require plenty of hiding spots and live rock for grazing. A well-filtered aquarium with good water quality is essential for their health.


Coral Beauty Angelfish are semi-aggressive and can become territorial, especially in smaller aquariums. They may nip at stony and soft corals and clam mantles.

Owner Reviews

Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: đź‘Ž No
What You Feed: PE Mysis

It is very questionable to me why I’ve had such a hard time with this specimen. I have read numerous articles about how it’s possible that the coral beauty and bicolor angelfish suffer from cruel fishing prescribes such as cyanide and sedatives. I believe this to be the reason why I’ve had such a hard time with this particular fish but not others in its family.

Reef Safe: Yes, with Caution
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Difficulty: Hard
Min Tank Size: 75 Gallons
Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: đź‘Ť Yes
What You Feed: Mysis

Took care of my roommates coral beauty for a few months always seemed to want to be shown in the front of the tank

Reef Safe: Yes, with Caution
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Peaceful
Difficulty: Easy
Min Tank Size: 50 Gallons



4 months ago
Overall Rating:
Would Buy Again: đź‘Ť Yes
What You Feed: Frozen

Beautiful fish. Never had any issues with it picking at corals but this could vary from fish to fish. Pretty peaceful but would sometimes pick on new additions but settles after a few days.

Reef Safe: Yes, with Caution
Visibility: Always Visible
Temperament: Semi-aggressive
Difficulty: Easy
Min Tank Size: 50 Gallons
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