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Desjardini Tang
Zebrasoma desjardinii
Suggested Tank
125+ gallons
Max Size
16 inches
The Desjardnini Tang, also known as the Indian Ocean Sailfin Tang, is a saltwater fish known for its vibrant colors and unique shape. It has a dark blue body with light blue and yellow stripes, and a large dorsal fin that resembles a sail when fully extended.
Reef Safe
Yes, the Desjardnini Tang is considered reef safe. However, it may nip at small invertebrates and corals when hungry.
The Desjardnini Tang prefers a large tank with plenty of swimming space. It also needs plenty of hiding spots and live rock for grazing. A well-lit tank is also important, as it encourages the growth of the algae they feed on.
This fish is known for its active and playful behavior. It spends most of its day swimming around, exploring its surroundings, and grazing on algae. It can be territorial with other tangs but generally gets along well with other types of fish.
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