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Melanurus Wrasse
Halichoeres melanurus
Suggested Tank
55+ gallons
Max Size
5 inches
The Melanurus Wrasse is a colorful, active saltwater fish that is a popular choice for aquariums. Known for their vibrant hues of green, red and blue, they are also recognized for their distinctive tail, which has a unique crescent shape.
Reef Safe
Yes, but with caution. While they are generally safe for reef aquariums, they may pick at small invertebrates and ornamental shrimp.
The Melanurus Wrasse thrives in a well-lit aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. They prefer tanks with sandy substrates where they can burrow. This species is known to jump, so a secure lid on the aquarium is necessary.
These fish are known for their active and playful behavior. They are seen swimming around most of the time in search of food. At night or when threatened, the Melanurus Wrasse will bury itself in the sand.
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